What are runes?
Academic-scientific runic lore generally defines "runes" as ancient Germanic characters. The word "rune" itself only came into being in the 17th century, but is based on earlier forms that can be found in all Germanic dialects.
In Gothic, Old Saxon and Old High German there is the form runa, in Old English run and in Old Norse rún. The form rûne comes from Middle High German. The origin of these forms is disputed. "Rune" was already synonymous with "secret" very early on, but the older, pre-Indo-European form means "to whisper".
Related are also compound words such as "Geraune", which in Old High German giruni has the meaning "secret, secret meeting".
The word rune means secret. The runes definitely harbour a secret, not just one, but many. They contain the secrets of becoming, being and passing away. Firstly, runes are symbols. They can be seen as signs for certain entities, actions or life circumstances that speak for themselves as symbols. And can therefore always be understood as a clear message and an idea for a solution.

As energy signs, the runes can of course also be used to change reality (magic) - only marginally are they used as "letters".
The forces behind the signs are irrepressible, powerful life forces that are the work of a Seidhkona - also known as a seeress or practitioner of Seidr, a form of Norse magic and divination, - for divination, spellcasting, and ritual purposes. Each rune carries its own unique energy and meaning, allowing the practitioner to tap into different aspects of the magical forces they represent.
The series of runes was created to give people figurative-magical access to the inner and outer knowledge of the life forces of the earth system, which endure through the ages and can be used in all situations in life.
This is still the case today with the older Futhark.
Scientifically speaking, the actual origin of the runes is still a mystery.
The reason for this is probably that in earlier times the use of writing as we know it today was not common.
Knowledge was passed on through storytelling and could not (or was not allowed to) be written down.
The older "Futhark" ( 24 runes in total) was used 200 years before our era, according to tradition.
Runes often appear in ancient myths in connection with deities.
According to runic researchers, the runic script was invented by the "wise women" of Northern Europe.
It will probably not be possible to determine this more precisely today, but it is certain that runes became known around 200 before our time.

In our cultural area, it is difficult to find out where the runes come from and what influences they were subject to in these eras. In Germany, there has always been a connection between the cultural heritage of the south and north, which has certainly influenced the runes and their meaning.
Ultimately, they are an expression of the forces of life.
It is therefore of great importance that the runes are signs that originated from a magical, figurative tradition and not from a linguistic one.
In early times, we find rune rock carvings all over Europe, which were used to symbolise important events. Today's German word "Buchstabe" comes from the tradition of runic carving.
Carving is part of the magical practice of runic magic. In divination (according to Tacitus), runes were carved on birch wood sticks ( german: Buchenstäbe=Buchstaben) , which are thrown in a certain way and then interpreted according to their position and meaning.
And also the German word "zaubern" may also have been derived from one magical practice of runes.
According to various sources, it can be said that the colouring of the runes was often done with vermilion (Zinnober in German).
( zinnobern=zaubern).
Within the runes is a strong power that works on the emotional level, which also has an effect on people who have no idea about runes.
Runes work in our lives today and yesterday, partly consciously and partly unconsciously.

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