Nowadays I notice that a lot of witches are using a lot of crystals in their practice. I am also drawn to them and of course they have special energies that we can use in magic or for healing purposes . But for me the most powerful stones are the stones I found by myself in my surroundings. The stones and their energies of the land.
In European folk magic traditions stones and especially the hagstones have a variety of purposes and uses.
I think it's not really necessary to spend money on expensive crystals. Maybe you want to give it a try by finding your stones you can use for your magick?
I use stones that I find especially for grounding myself and for meditation. Connected to the element earth stones are a perfect tool to get your feet back on the ground when you are feeling disconnected.

In my personal collection you will find different shapes and sizes of stones that I found over the years in different places. Stones found in places that I lived or visited. Stones found on a walk through the forest, at magical places or at the beach like the hagstones.

The hagstone is a stone with a natural shaped hole that is created when water and the elements pound through the surface of it.
In some areas, these stones are also called holey stone, adder stone or Odins stone.
The hagstone, in Germany called "Drudenstein"(Drud is a creature of folklore that sits on the chest of sleeping people at night and causes nightmares, trepidation and shortness of breath) or"Hühnergott"(free translated "chicken god"), found its place most of the times in barns. The hagstone was hung up at the barns to protect the cattle against evil spirits like the "Druden", robbery, illness and misfortune in general.
A hagstone can be used for the following purposes :
- Warding off evil spirits
- Protection of people and material things
- Fertility
- Healing magic
- Prevention of nightmares
Hagstones are having a great magical energy because they are really hard to find by yourself. But if you find one by yourself or maybe multiple hagstones you will not regret to implement them for your purposes.
I wish you a lot of pleasure by finding your own "magic stones" for your work, Wild One.
Until we speak again.
Love xxx Bjarkan

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