Rituals with eggs belong to the oldest rites of mankind. They reflect the representational thinking of the folk customs of primitive peoples and the common people, as they used to be called.
Like many folk beliefs, egg rituals did not originate from a specific religion, but from a natural and direct connection to nature. At all times of the year (not only at Spring Equinox/Ostara),
eggs were used for blessing, purification and protection.
Egg rituals can be found in customs all over the world, here are a few interesting examples of egg rituals:
According to ancient Germanic custom, eggs were placed in burial sites,.
Alpine people protected their villages from avalanches and landslides with buried eggs,
Shamanic traditions use eggs for womb cleansing and other rituals.
The list of egg rituals can be continued endlessly and is anchored on all continents of the earth.
The magical form of eggs
The egg is the first foundation of sacred geometry, for without the egg life would not be possible. It contains all the building blocks for life. It is a three-dimensional oval and has a similar shape to the human aura and the earth.
The egg is said to have self-regulating properties. It can bring energies in the cells into the appropriate vibration, whereby it can balance, cleanse and heal. These abilities are needed so that life can emerge from the egg.
Making the land fertile with eggs
By burying eggs in spring, our ancestors used the life force and fertility of the eggs to spread to the earth. Farmers buried eggs in fields and meadows. This gesture was used to express gratitude and to ask for a blessed harvest and an abundant summer. The magic of the eggs was reinforced with individual paintings. For example, pictures of corn were painted on the eggs so that the field would bear many ears of corn, or grass so that the cattle would find enough food to eat.
There are many simple ways we can get creative at Spring Equinox and
connect with the forces of nature. Here are a few inspirations:
Thanking Mother Earth - digging eggs into the ground.
We can give thanks to Mother Earth by offering her some eggs in our garden or another place in nature. For this, the raw eggs are carefully buried in the earth. Colourfully painted with our blessings, they additionally store our prayers and good wishes for our planet.
Mindful gift giving - vitality and health
When giving eggs, we can remember that we are also giving health, life force and blessings for fertility.
Using egg water and shells - Nourishing the flowers
The egg water in which the eggs are boiled also has a special effect in folk belief. The good life forces are transferred to the water and it can be used, for example, to water flowers or as drinking water for animals.
The shell of the eggs was also used for numerous purposes. We can keep the eggshells and make a powder out of it. In the watering can they enliven the flower water and scattered under fruit trees the eggshells enrich the soil. The powder can also be used for protection spells.
Give the forest a gift - bring joy
If you want to bring joy to the forest and its animal inhabitants, you can bring some traditional food such as raw eggs or apples and nuts during a walk in the forest for the foxes and other forest animals.
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